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Haryadi. 19910029. Studi Kualitatif : Konstruksi Makna dan Pengalaman Komunikasi Pasien Covid-19 Di Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Marheni Fajar Kurniawati dan Mohammad Zainul. Tujuan Peneltian adalah untuk mengetahui (1) pasien memaknai diri sebelum, disaat dan pasca terkonfirmasi covid-19 dalam menjalani aktifitas sehari-hari, (2) pengalaman komunikasi yang dibangun sebelum, disaat dan pasca terkonfirmasi covid-19 dalam menjalani aktifitas sehari-hari dan (3) pasien dalam mengatasi hambatan sebelum, disaat dan pasca terkonfirmasi covid-19 dalam menjalani aktifitas sehari-hari secara keseluruhan fokus penelitin di Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah evaluatif dan penelitian lapangan (evaluatif study research and field study research) Unit analisis penelitian ini adalah pimpinan dan staf yang ada pada Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Sedangkan sampel ditarik melalui porpusive sampling yakni hanya Informan ASN atau Pegawai Pemerintah Non Pegawai Negeri (PPNPN) yang dinyatakan terkonfirmasi positif covid-19 yang mampu berkomunikasi verbal dengan baik dan mau sebanyak 7 orang. pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini observasi, wawancara, dan studi dokumentasi. Data dalam penelitian ini si analisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelititan menunjukan : (1) Pasien Memaknai Diri Sebelum, Disaat Dan Pasca Terkonfirmasi Covid- 19 Dalam Menjalani Aktifitasn Sehari-hari Di Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan (a) sebelum terkomfirmasi memaknai Virus berbahaya, Fitnah dunia, Pencegahan, Terpapar, Protokol kesehatan, (b) disaat terkomfirmasi memaknai Keluarga, Teman Kerja, Gejala dan Sakit, Takut dan cemas, semangat, Tidak menyangka dan Sabar, (c) pasca terkomfirmasi memaknai Covid memang ada, Rasa khawatir, Bersyukur, Pola hidup sehat dan Percaya diri (2) Pengalaman Komunikasi Pasien Sebelum, Disaat Dan Pasca Terkonfirmasi Covid-19 Dalam Menjalani Aktifitasn Sehari-hari Di Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan adalah (a) sebelum terkomfirmasi pengalaman komunikasi diartikan Hubungan dengan keluarga, Antisipasi, Keprihatinan dan kekhahawittan (b) saat terkomfirmasi pengalaman komunikasi diartikan Interaksi sosial terhambat, Waktu yang panjangm, Stigma masyarakat (kata risih untuk dekat-dekat) hal ini terjadi karena masyarkt masih menganggap pasien yang terpapar Virus Covid 19 untuk sementara dijauhi karena vrus in dianggap cepat menular sehingga kebanyakan masyarakat belum dapat berinterkai sosial dengan pasien seperti biasanya, (c) pasca terkomfirmasi pengalaman komunikasi diartikan Edukasi, Percaya diri, Interaksi secara normal, (3) Pasien Dalam Mengatasi Hambatan Sebelum, Disaat Dan Pasca Terkonfirmasi Covid-19 Dalam Menjalani Aktifitasn Sehari-hari Di Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan, upaya mengatasi hambatan adalah (a) sebelum terkomfirmasi upaya yang dilakukan Acuh, Respon dukungan orang-orang sekitar, dan berlebihan, (b) saat terkomfirmasi upaya yang dilakukan Isoman. Dukungan dan Pemanfaatan media (c) pasca terkomfirmasi upaya yang dilakukan Percaya diri dan Motivasi keluarga. Haryadi. Npm 19910029. Construction of Meaning and Communication Experience of Covid-19 Patients at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion. Marhaeni Fajar Kurniawati and Mohammad Zainul The purpose of the research is to find out (1) patients interpret themselves before, during and after being confirmed by Covid-19 in carrying out daily activities, (2) communication experiences built before, during and after being confirmed by COVID-19 in carrying out daily activities. days and (3) patients in overcoming obstacles before, during and after being confirmed by Covid-19 in carrying out daily activities as a whole the focus of research at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of South Kalimantan Province. The research method used is evaluative and field research (evaluative study research and field study research). The unit of analysis of this research is the leadership and staff at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of South Kalimantan Province. Meanwhile, the sample was drawn through purposive sampling, namely only ASN Informants or Non-Civil Servant Government Employees (PPNPN) who were declared positive for COVID-19 who were able to communicate verbally well and wanted as many as 7 people. Data collection in this study was observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The data in this study were analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study show: (1) Patients interpret themselves before, during and after being confirmed by Covid-19 in carrying out their daily activities at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of South Kalimantan Province (a) before being confirmed to interpret dangerous viruses, slander of the world, prevention, exposure, protocol health, (b) when confirming the meaning of Family Co-workers Symptoms and Illness Fear and anxiety, enthusiasm, Not expecting and. Patience, (c) after confirming the meaning (a) Covid does exist, Worries, Gratitude, healthy lifestyle and self-confidence (2) Patient communication experiences before, during and after being confirmed by Covid-19 in carrying out daily activities at the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion South Kalimantan Province is (a) before confirmation of communication experience means Relationships with family, Anticipation and Concerns and concerns (b) when confirmed communication experience means Social interaction is hampered Long time Patients who are exposed to the Covid 19 Virus are temporarily shunned because the virus is considered to be rapidly contagious so that most people cannot interact socially with patients as usual, (c) after confirmation of the communication experience means Education, Confidence, Normal interaction, (3) Patients in Coping with Barriers Before, When D an Post-Confirmed Covid-19 In Carrying Out Daily Activities At the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of South Kalimantan Province, efforts to overcome obstacles are (a) prior to confirmation of the efforts made by Indifference, the response of support from the people around, and excessive, (b) when confirmed Isoman's efforts. Support and use of media (c) after confirming the efforts made Confidence and family motivation. Keywords: Meaning Construction and Communication Experience.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Konstruksi Makna dan Pengalaman Komunikasi.
Subjects: H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General)
Depositing User: Haryadi
Date Deposited: 24 Mar 2022 02:40
Last Modified: 24 Mar 2022 02:42
URI: http://eprints.uniska-bjm.ac.id/id/eprint/10340

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