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TOEFL test or test of English as a foreign language is one of a tests used to measure the ability of non-native speaker in English with 4 types of test, there are listening, structure writing and reading. It is very useful for the students to be able to improve learning in English. Especially in the era of Corona virus disease (co-vid) 19 distance learning is being carried out but does not provide difficulties in learning TOEFL because it can be done online learning through meeting application. This researcher aims to find out students who taught with online guidance with TOEFL learning technique have better scores on the posttest than on the pretest. This research using pre-experimental design with quantitative approach. The population of this research is the students of XI and for the sample of this research is XI A in office administration of SMKN 3 Banjarmasin. Based on the result we can concluded the value of t.t table is 9.061 and significance ,000. So it can be concluded that online test guidance in improving TOEFL score helped the students improve their English mastery. So it can be concluded that online guidance to improve TOEFL score is effective to be used in teaching English mastery, hopefully the students feel more interesting in learning English. Keyword:TOEFL, Test of English, Online Learning ABSTRAK Tes TOEFL atau tes bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing adalah salah satu tes yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan non-native speaker dalam bahasa Inggris dengan 4 jenis tes, yaitu mendengarkan, menulis struktur dan membaca. Hal ini sangat berguna bagi siswa untuk dapat meningkatkan pembelajaran dalam bahasa Inggris. Apalagi di era Corona virus disease (co-vid) 19 pembelajaran jarak jauh sedang dilaksanakan namun tidak memberikan kesulitan dalam belajar TOEFL karena bisa dilakukan pembelajaran online melalui aplikasi meeting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui siswa yang diajar dengan bimbingan online dengan teknik pembelajaran TOEFL memiliki nilai posttest yang lebih baik daripada pretest. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain pra eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI dan sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XI A Administrasi Perkantoran SMKN 3 Banjarmasin. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan nilai t.t tabel adalah 9,061 dan signifikansi ,000. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa bimbingan tes online dalam meningkatkan skor TOEFL membantu siswa meningkatkan penguasaan bahasa Inggris mereka. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa bimbingan online untuk meningkatkan skor TOEFL efektif digunakan dalam pengajaran penguasaan bahasa Inggris, semoga siswa merasa lebih tertarik dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Kata Kunci: TOEFL, Tes Bahasa Inggris, Pembelajaran Online BACKGROUND In the 21st century the usage of foreign language is a need that used for social or educational motives. Sometimes a foreign language is an obligation that someone must have if they want to travel or exchange students abroad. According to Paloma (2018), Chinese language is the most widely used for foreign language followed by English language. Even so, English is the most widespread language and is widely used in scientific literature. Most of the native and non-native speakers of English are the usage of English as their mode of the communication for their business organization. English has become grow to be the fastest increasing language in this modern era. It copies the status of a commercial language by connecting and all places in this world and spread all over the world to almost all fields (Srinivas, 2019) Figuring the importance of using foreign language, Indonesia government also includes English as a foreign language studied in the Indonesia curriculum since Indonesia’s independence as an effort to enhance the quality of human resource in Indonesia. (Farida, 2017) One way to improve English learning is by taking English test namely TOEFL (Test of English as A Foreign Language) is a test that measure the English proficiency and academic skills of nonnative speaker of English with listening, writing, and structure expression, and reading test. Currently there are three kinds of test for TOEFL that has taken out by ETS (English Testing service) there are Paper-Based TOEFL (TOEFL test conducted using paper and pencil), Computer-Based TOEFL (TOEFL test administered using a computer) and internet-based TOEFL (TOEFL test that using computer as a media but with internet system). Beside it, there are three types of TOEFL there are, the international TOEFL test, institutional TOEFL test, and TOEFL like-test. (Ang-zie, 2020) In Indonesia using TOEFL as English an English proficiency test is pretty huge, ranging from being used to determine one’s own strength in mastering English to important purpose such as entering educational programs and applying for jobs. (Utomo and Damayanti, 2019) Therefore, effort to increase TOEFL score are important to provide elements to the public in facing international world with a tight level of competition. Among of the society that must receive special attention in increasing mastery of the foreign language are students (Seti and Pirmansyah, 2018) However, since the co-vid 19 virus learning in the schools around the world including Indonesia, has changed. Schools that are usually carried out face to face at school have to be eliminated and replaced with online learning at home which is done indirectly. This has brought many changes to the implementation of learning in schools, including learning English. Online learning also has an impact on learning English, including TOEFL test. Until now, we can find many online learning and test that carried out by various institutions to make it easier for the TOEFL test. Which make the implementation of the TOEFL test not only able to carried out directly but also through online. At SMKN 3 Banjarmasin, the teaching and learning process uses four skills, there are reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Many students do not really master all these skills. There are some students who are proficient in writing but lacking in speaking skills or there are students who are good in reading skill but they lack in listening skills. Moreover, TOEFL has many advantages and can be used if want to apply for scholarships abroad or apply for a job. TOEFL test is a much needed test and provides many uses for students. Especially students in SMKN 3 Banjarmasin will face the world of work and collage. METHODE OF RESEARCH Experiment is most powerful quantitative research method for establishing cause and effect relationship between two or more variable. Experimental research to provide causal results from a study and provide clear results. According to Sugiyono (2010) Pre experimental is an experiment that only involves one group by analyzing the results of empirical data, then the results of the initial and final test and compared after treatment with statistical hypothesis testing. In this research, the researcher used pre-experimental design (one group pretest-posttest design) to identify the effectiveness of online test guidance in improving TOEFL score of the at the eleventh grade in SMKN 3 Banjarmasin The population of this research are the students at SMKN 3 Banjarmasin Class XI A Office Administration students’ year 2021/2022. Sample is a part of population. The research will use cluster random sampling to determine one class to be included as sample they represent for one class experiment class (one group pretest-posttest). (Rukminingsih, et all 2020)The totaling sample of this research was 28 students. The taking sample of this research was purposive sampling technique. The instrument of this research was a test. A test is a sequence of question or other instrument used to measure the skills, knowledge, intelligence, or aptitude of a group of individuals. The test that researcher conduct is pretest and posttest. The technique of collecting data that is used in this research including:Observation and Test FINDING The population and sample of this research is class XI A of Office Administration, consist of 36 students but in the test process there are 7 students cannot join it, so the students consist of 28 students. The researcher used multiple choices as test on the pretest and posttest, it is consisting 20 exercise. One item is 5 points, if the students get 20 items in the true, so their score is 100 points. Finally, based on the research the researcher found that the students taught with online test guidance have better score in TOEFL mastery on the posttest than on the pretest. Experiment First experiment No Learning process Description 1 Opening lesson (10 minutes) The teacher joined in google meet and given greeting The teacher checked students’ attendance The teacher explains about pretest 2 Pretest (40 minutes) The teacher given pretest without treatment and the type of test is a multiple choice. 3 Closing (10 minutes) The teacher and student make some conclusions the TOEFL material and ask the students to learn about TOEFL in the home Second experiment No Learning process Description 1 Opening lesson (10 minutes) The teacher joined in google meet and given greeting. The teacher checked students’ attendance The teacher explains about today material. 2 Treatment (40 minutes) The teacher introduction listening in TOEFL The teacher explained the material about listening in TOEFL test. The sample in learning process, teacher explained about question that consist in listening section. The students focus and attention the material and active on the learning process. the teacher and students given question-answer 3 Closing (10 minutes) the teacher and students make conclusion about listening material in TOEFL and ask the students to learn about TOEFL in the home. Third experiment No Learning process Description 1 Opening lesson (10 minutes) The teacher joined in google meet and given greeting. The teacher checked students’ attendance. The teacher explains about today material. 2 Treatment (40 minutes) The teacher introduction structure in TOEFL The teacher explained the material about structure in TOEFL test. The sample in learning process, teacher explained about question that consist in structure section. The students focus and attention the material and active on the learning process. The teacher and students given question-answer. 3 Closing (10 minutes) The teacher and students make conclusion about structure material in TOEFL and ask the students to learn about TOEFL in the home. Forth experiment No Learning process Description 1 Opening lesson (10 minutes) The teacher joined in google meet and given greeting. The teacher checked students’ attendance. The teacher explains about today material 2 Treatment (40 minutes) The teacher introduction writing in TOEFL test The teacher explained the material about writing in TOEFL test. The sample in learning process, teacher explained about question that consist in writing section. The students focus and attention the material and active on the learning process. The teacher and students given question and answer. 3 Closing (10 minutes) The teacher and students make conclusion about writing material an TOEFL and ask the student to learn TOEFL in the home. Fifth experiment No Learning process Description 1 Opening lesson (10 minutes) The teacher joined in goggle meet and given greeting. The teacher checked students’ attendance The teacher explains about today material 2 Treatment (40 minutes) The teacher introduction reading in TOEFL test. The teacher explained the material about reading in TOEFL test. The sample in learning process, teacher explained about question that consist in reading section. The students focus and attention the material and active on the learning process. The teacher and students given question answer. 3 Closing (10 minutes) The teacher and students make conclusion about reading material in TOEFL and ask the students to learn TOEFL in the home. Sixth experiment No Learning process Description 1 Opening lesson (10 minutes) The teacher joined in google meet and given greeting. The teacher students’ attendance The teacher explains about posttest 2 Posttest (40 minutes) The teacher given posttest that that has taught to the students and the type of test is multiple choice. 3 Closing (10 minutes) The teacher and students make conclusion about learning TOEFL Test There are 36 students in class XI-A, but consist of 28 students to joined the test. The result of students’ scores who being taught TOEFL mastery on the pretest and posttest, can be seen as following: Students TOEFL score achievement on pretest No Students Structure score Reading score Listening score Correct answer Incorrect answer Score (X) 1 001 30 20 5 11 9 55 2 002 35 25 25 17 3 85 3 003 30 20 10 12 8 60 4 004 20 20 0 8 12 40 5 005 35 20 0 11 9 55 6 006 20 0 5 5 15 25 7 007 30 20 5 11 9 55 8 008 20 20 0 8 12 40 9 009 30 20 5 11 9 55 10 010 5 15 5 5 15 25 11 011 15 20 0 7 13 35 12 012 25 20 5 10 10 50 13 013 35 25 5 13 7 65 14 014 30 25 5 12 8 60 15 015 30 25 5 12 8 60 16 016 30 20 5 11 9 55 17 017 15 25 10 10 10 50 18 018 30 15 10 11 9 55 19 019 15 20 0 7 13 35 20 020 30 25 5 12 8 60 21 021 10 15 5 6 14 30 22 022 30 20 10 12 8 60 23 023 25 15 5 9 11 45 24 024 30 25 5 12 8 60 25 025 35 15 10 12 8 60 26 026 25 15 5 9 11 45 27 027 20 10 5 9 11 45 28 028 40 5 25 14 6 70 Students achievement category on pretest Table score Class performance Students 80 - 100 Excellent 1 70 -79 Good 1 60 - 69 Fair 4 50 - 59 Bad 8 0 - 49 Poor 9 The chart above shows that the lowest score in pretest is 25 and the highest score in the pretest is 85. The students that have highest score is 1 person and the students have the lowest score are 2 persons. Students TOEFL score achievement on posttest No Students Structure score Reading score Listening score Correct answer Incorrect answer Score (X) 1 001 35 20 5 12 8 60 2 002 45 20 25 18 2 90 3 003 40 10 5 11 9 55 4 004 30 20 5 11 9 55 5 005 45 15 10 14 6 70 6 006 40 20 5 12 8 60 7 007 40 20 5 12 8 60 8 008 25 25 5 12 8 60 9 009 30 20 20 14 6 70 10 010 45 15 5 13 7 65 11 011 35 15 10 12 8 60 12 012 30 20 15 13 7 65 13 013 45 20 20 17 3 85 14 014 35 20 25 16 4 80 15 015 35 20 20 15 5 75 16 016 35 20 25 16 4 80 17 017 35 10 10 11 9 55 18 018 30 20 15 13 7 65 19 019 35 15 10 12 8 60 20 020 35 20 20 15 5 75 21 021 35 15 5 11 9 55 22 022 35 15 20 14 6 70 23 023 30 20 10 12 8 60 24 024 25 25 25 15 5 75 25 025 30 20 20 14 6 70 26 026 25 15 10 12 8 60 27 027 20 20 10 12 8 60 28 028 40 25 25 18 2 90 Student achievement category on posttest Table score Class performance Students 80 – 100 Excellent 5 70 – 79 Good 7 60 – 69 Fair 11 50 – 59 Bad 5 0 – 49 Poor The chart above shows the lowest score in posttest is 55 and the highest score in the posttest is 90. The students that have highest score is 2 persons and the students that have lowest score are 4 persons. Result of T-test for learning TOEFL After two kind of the test (pretest and posttest) were done, they were then compared. The result of compilation of students score of TOEFL are summarized as follows: No Initial of subject Pretest Posttest Differences Differences 1 001 55 60 5 25 2 002 85 90 5 25 3 003 60 55 -5 -25 4 004 40 55 15 225 5 005 55 70 15 225 6 006 25 60 35 1225 7 007 55 60 5 25 8 008 40 55 15 225 9 009 55 70 15 225 10 010 25 65 40 1600 11 011 35 60 25 625 12 012 50 65 15 225 13 013 65 85 20 400 14 014 60 80 20 400 15 015 60 75 15 225 16 016 55 80 25 625 17 017 50 55 5 25 18 018 55 65 10 100 19 019 35 60 25 625 20 020 60 75 15 225 21 021 30 55 25 625 22 022 60 70 10 100 23 023 45 60 15 225 24 024 60 75 15 225 25 025 60 70 10 100 26 026 45 60 15 225 27 027 35 60 25 625 28 028 70 90 20 400 N=28 ∑D=1425 ∑D=1880 D=455 ∑D2=9775 Data analysis The counting of differences Mean score on the pretest is: MD = (∑D)/N MD = 1425/28 = 50,89 Mean score on the posttest is: MD = (∑D)/N MD = 1880/28 = 67,14 The mean score on the paired sample test is 67,14 – 50,89 = 16,25 The counting of Standard Devotion from Differences SD = √(〖∑D〗^2 )/N-D2 = √9775/28 – 16,252= 9,22 The counting of Standard Error from Differences SE = SD/(√N-1) = 9,22/(√28-1) = 9,22/√27 = 1,77 The counting of T-Test T =MD/SE = 16,11/1,77 = 9,10 The researcher use IBM SPSS Statistic 26 to know the effectiveness of online test guidance in improving TOEFL score of the students of eleventh grade in SMKN 3 Banjarmasin and specifically to know whether the students who are taught with online test guidance have better score on the posttest than on the pretest. Table: Paired sample statistic Paired Samples Statistics Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Pair 1 posttest 67.1429 28 10.66567 2.01562 pretest 50.8929 28 13.94789 2.63590 Paired sample statistic shows a summary an of the average and standard deviation of the two comparison (posttest and pretest), the students taught with online guidance in learning TOEFL obtained the average score or mean 67,14 than the students taught before online guidance in learning TOEFL obtained the average 50,89. It means that the students who are taught with online guidance in learning TOEFL have better score on the posttest than pretest. Table: Paired sample correlation Paired Samples Correlations N Correlation Sig. Pair 1 posttest & pretest 28 .734 .000 Output sample correlation show the result of the correlation between posttest and pretest, correlation shows with the number 0,734 with probability 0,000. It means that the correlation between pretest and posttest has a significant correlation. Central to this analysis is the following output: Paired Samples Test Paired Differences t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean 95% Confidence Interval of the Difference Lower Upper Pair 1 posttest - pretest 16.25000 9.48927 1.79330 12.57044 19.92956 9.061 27 .000 The t-test analysis performed on the data of students’ score of the eleventh grade of the students at SMKN 3 Banjarmasin comes to finding that t-value is -9,061 while the t-critical value 2,052 with degree freedom (DF) is 27 and the significance level (sig) of 0,05 is 000 that the obtained t value is correct. Testing Hypothesis One of the basis of the results obtained from the data analyses the working hypothesis stated in chapter I were the than tested. To make easier in testing them, null hypothesis formulated as presented in chapter III. In order that the testing of hypothesis could be restated here. Based on the paired samples test shows that t value is 9,061 while t critical value is 2,052 with alfa 5% and degree freedom (DF) is 27. With the sig of 0,05 is 000. Because the score of t-value is exceeded than the critical value so it can be stated that the online guidance in improving TOEFL score of the students at eleventh grade inn SMKN 3 Banjarmasin is affective. The null hypotheses stating that student that taught with online guidance in improving TOEFL score of the Eleventh Grade of the students in SMKN 3 Banjarmasin have not better score on the posttest than on the pretest is rejected. On the other hand, the working hypothesis to be tested in this section states that the score of the student taught with online guidance in improving TOEFL score of the students in SMKN 3 Banjarmasin is higher on the posttest then on their pretest is accepted. This indicate that online test guidance in improving TOEFL score is more affective for the students English mastery. DISCUSSION Based on the research, the result on the test from 28 students there are 1 students declined and 27 student exceeded. Students Pretest Posttest 001 55 60 002 85 90 003 60 55 004 40 55 005 55 70 006 25 60 007 55 60 008 40 55 009 55 70 010 25 65 011 35 60 012 50 65 013 65 85 014 60 80 015 60 75 016 55 80 017 50 55 018 55 65 019 35 60 020 60 75 021 30 55 022 60 70 023 45 60 024 60 75 025 60 70 026 45 60 027 35 60 028 70 90 The result of the test on the posttest show the average 1880, while the pretest is 1425. Mean score on the posttest is 67,14 while on the pretest is 50,89. Standard deviation on the posttest is 10,66 while pretest is 13,94. Standard error mean on the posttest is 2.01 while on the pretest is 2,63. The final result of the pretest and posttest shown that t-test analysis performed on the students score in learning TOEFL finding that t-value is 9.061 while the t-critical value with degree of freedom (df) is 27 and a significance level (sig) 0f 0,05 is ,000 this indicated that obtained of t-value is accepted. According to Sudjono, if the result t is higher than tt (t-table) t > tt, the null hypothesis (ho) is rejected. If the result calculation is lower than tt (t-table), t<tt, the null hypothesis is accepted. The working hypothesis (Ha) stated that students TOEFL score is significant higher on the posttest than on the pretest is accepted. This indicated that online test guidance in improving TOEFL score of the student of eleventh grade of SMKN 3 Banjarmasin is affective to the students of eleventh grade of SMKN 3 Banjarmasin. CONCLUSION The tittle of this research is the effectiveness of online test guidance in improving TOEFL score of the student in eleventh grade in SMKN 3 Banjarmasin school year 2021/2022. In this research the research uses pre-experimental research design. TOEFL test in the form is multiple choice was used as the instrument of this research, where the researcher given the questions form that consist of 20 items with 10 question of structure, 5 question of reading, and 5 question of listening. The score for every question is 5. If the students can answer the question correctly, they will get 100 score. Between the pretest and posttest, the researcher gives the treatment to students with online guidance. There are 28 students who were involved in this research. The total score on the pretest is 1425 with the mean is 50,89. The total score in posttest is 1880 the mean is 67,14. Based on the analysis of the data during this research, the students taught with online guidance in learning TOEFL have better score on the posttest than pretest. The differences of score in pretest and posttest were verified through paired t-test. So that the researcher finds out that the student who taught with online guidance in learning TOEFL has a better score on the posttest than pretest. In other word, the use of this research is effective in online test to improving TOEFL score.
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | TOEFL, Test of English, Online Learning |
Subjects: | L Education > L Education (General) |
Depositing User: | S,Pd Namira Mutmainah |
Date Deposited: | 27 Apr 2023 03:59 |
Last Modified: | 27 Apr 2023 03:59 |
URI: | |
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