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Puskesmas merupakan unit teknis yang bertanggungjawab untuk menyelenggarakan pembangunan kesehatan disatu atau sebagaian wilayah. Data puskesmas Beruntung Raya tahun 2019 jumlah kunjungan pasien JKN sebesar 6.719 orang, kunjungan pasien umum sebesar 13.690 orang dengan rata-rata kunjungan setiap bulan sebesar 1.140 kunjungan sedangkan kunjungan pasien di luar wilayah Puskesmas Beruntung Raya sebesar 3.337 orang. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui hubungan mutu pelayanan kesehatan dengan kepuasan pasien di Poli Umum Puskesmas Beruntung Raya. Metode penelitian survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi adlaha semua pasien yang datang berobat di Puskesmas Beruntung Raya pada bulan Januari-Desember 2019 dengan rata-rata kunjungan sebesar 1.140 kunjungan. Sampel sebanyak 92 responden menggunakan teknik Accidental Sampling. Uji statistik menggunakan uji Chi square test. Hasil penelitian didapat mayoritas pasien puas sebesar 54 responden (58,7%), mutu pelayanan baik sebesar 67 responden (72,8%), ada hubungan kehandalan (reliability) (p value = 0,003), tidak ada hubungan daya tanggap (responsiveness) (p value = 0,291), ada hubungan jaminan (assurance) (p value = 0,003), ada hubungan empati (empathy) (p value = 0,025) dan da hubungan bukti fisik (tangible) dengan kepuasan pasien di poli umum puskesmas beruntung raya dengan (p value = 0,001). Diharapkan bagi petugas kesehatan diharapkan lebih disiplin saat menjalankan tugas dan selalu berada ditempat saat jam pelayanan sampai dengan selesai agar memenuhi kepuasan pasien secara keseluruhan Public health center is a technical unit that is responsible for carrying out health development in one or part of the region. Data from the public health center of Beruntung Raya in 2019 the number of JKN patient visits was 6,719 people, general patient visits were 13,690 people with an average monthly visit of 1,140 patient visits outside the public health center of Beruntung Raya area of 3,337 people. The research aims to see the relationship between the quality of health services and patient satisfaction at the General Poli public health center of Beruntung Raya. Analytical survey research method with cross sectional approach. The population was all patients who came for treatment at the public health center of Beruntung Raya in January-December 2019 with an average visit of 1,140 visits. A sample of 92 respondents used the Accidental Sampling technique. Statistical test using the Chi square test. The results obtained from the patient satisfaction of 54 respondents (58.7%), good service quality of 67 respondents (72.8%), there is a relationship of reliability (pvalue=0.003), there is no relationship of responsiveness (responsiveness). (pvalue=0.291), there is an assurance relationship (pvalue=0.003), there is a relationship of empathy (pvalue=0.025) and there is a relationship between physical evidence (tangible) and patient satisfaction in the general clinic of public health center of Beruntung Raya with (p value = 0.001). It is hoped that health workers are expected to be more disciplined when carrying out their duties and always be in place when the service is finished in order to fulfill total patient satisfaction
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Mutu pelayanan, kepuasan pasien service quality, patient satisfaction |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine R Medicine > RA Public aspects of medicine > RA0421 Public health. Hygiene. Preventive Medicine |
Depositing User: | Nurul Farida |
Date Deposited: | 10 Feb 2021 03:19 |
Last Modified: | 10 Feb 2021 03:19 |
URI: | http://eprints.uniska-bjm.ac.id/id/eprint/3796 |
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