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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan disiplin kerja dalam meningkatkan kinerja karyawan Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo,tingkat kedisiplinan karyawan Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo, kendala yang dihadapi Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan karyawannya, upaya yang dilakukan Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo dalam mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi dalam meningkatkan kedisiplinan karyawan, bagaimana kinerja karyawan Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo selama ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik pengolahan data melalui editing, klasifikasi, dan diskripsi. Teknik analisis penelitian ini dengan beracuan pada teori yang relevan, reduksi data, penyajian data untuk mendapatkan pemecahan masalah, menarik kesimpulan dan memberikan saran. Hasil penelitian ini adalah penerapan disiplin kerja yang dilakukan Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo dalam upaya meningkatkan kinerja karyawan yaitu memberikan punishment dan reward kepada karyawan yang kinerjanya baik. Strategi penerapan disiplin kerja yang diterapkan yaitu motivasi, pendidikan dan pelatihan, kepemimpinan, kesejahteraan, dan penegakan disiplin melalui hukum, tingkat kedisiplinan karyawan Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo dilihat dari segi ketentuan jam kerja, seragam karyawan dan absensi karyawan, kendala yang dihadapi dalam menerapkan disiplin kerja Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo adalah masih adanya karyawan yang melanggar peraturan, seperti datang terlambat, tidak masuk kerja tanpa keterangan, dan pulang kerja sebelum waktu yang ditentukan, kurangnya pengawasan dari pimpinan, upaya Honda Delima Motor dalam mengatasi kendala tersebut adalah menindak tegas karyawan yang melanggar peraturan, selalu melakukan rapat evaluasi, dan mengapresiasi kinerja karyawan yang baik, kinerja karyawan Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo semakin meningkat untuk mencapai target. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan beberapa bulan terakhir mampu mencapai target penjualan dan angka ketidakhadiran karyawan semakin berkurang. This study aims to determine the application of work discipline in improving the performance of Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo employees, the level of discipline of Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo employees, the obstacles faced by Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo in improving employee discipline, the efforts made by Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo in overcoming the obstacles faced in improve employee discipline, how the performance of Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo employees so far. This study used qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data processing techniques through editing, classification, and description. The analysis technique of this research refers to the relevant theory, data reduction, data presentation to obtain problem solving, draw conclusions and provide suggestions. The results of this study are the application of work discipline by Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo in an effort to improve employee performance, namely providing punishment and reward to employees who perform well. The strategies for implementing work discipline are motivation, education and training, leadership, welfare, and enforcement of discipline through the law, the level of discipline of Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo employees in terms of working hours, employee uniforms and employee attendance, the obstacles faced in implementing work discipline Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo is that there are still employees who violate the rules, such as arriving late, not coming to work without information, and leaving work before the specified time, lack of supervision from the leadership, Honda Delima Motor's efforts to overcome these obstacles are to take firm action against employees who violate the regulations. , always conduct evaluation meetings, and appreciate the good performance of employees, the performance of Honda Delima Motor Sutoyo employees is increasing to achieve the target. This is evidenced by the last few months being able to achieve sales targets and decreasing employee absenteeism.
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Disiplin Kerja, Kinerja Karyawan Work Discipline, Employee Performance |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HC Economic History and Conditions |
Depositing User: | Yuliana Palangka |
Date Deposited: | 17 Sep 2021 01:44 |
Last Modified: | 17 Sep 2021 01:44 |
URI: | |
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